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GMSL/FPDLink Camera
GMSL/FPDLink camera uses GMSL and GMSL2 technology (a SerDes technology) to transmit high-speed video, bidirectional control data and power supply through a coaxial cable. GMSL and GMSL2 cameras are SerDes cameras that can be used for longer distances. These cameras can be placed 20 meters away from the host processor via a coaxial cable, and can still support less delay and high frame rate. This is the world's first fastest GMSL camera.
1. Car surround view/Automotive Surround View
2. Autopilot/Autonomous
3. Electronic rearview mirror/Electronic Mirror Re-placement
4. Advanced Assistant Driving and VisualFusion/ADAS Viewing Fusion
5. High Dynamic Application/High Dynamic RangeImaging
Automotive imaging sensor cameras are important parts of ADAS andautonomous driving systems. They provide visual information about car surroundenvironment including shape, color, and texture of different objects such asvulnerable road users, traffic signals, signs, cars, trucks, road markings, andso on. We presented comparative analysis of modern high dynamic range (HDR)automotive image sensors. These sensors included sequential exposure, splitpixel (SP), and super-exposure pixel (SE) architectures. Sequential exposuredual conversion gain (DCG) pixels are well known but suffer from motion and LEDflicker artefacts. Both SP DCG and SE DCG architectures showed significantimprovement of motion artefacts and LED flicker. Focusing on signal to noise(SNR) and resolution characteristics of these sensors we studied objectdetection capabilities of these sensors utilizing an SNR of ideal observer(SNRI) probabilistic metric. We showed that the SE pixels outperformed the SPpixels capabilities across the automotive temperatures. We also showed that intypical automotive camera thermal conditions smaller 2.1 µm pixels mayadditionally provide for better detection capabilities in comparison to larger3 µm pixels. The super-exposure pixel sensors provide the best foundation forobject detection, especially in corner cases where extra SNR and resolution athigher temperatures improve algorithm performance. ‘This improved objectdetection performance enables objects to be detected or classified at longerdistances, giving the ADAS system in the vehicle more time to analyse, plan andact, which will improve safety metrics at a constant speed, or enable a fixedUse Case at higher speeds, ex. more freeway autonomy or automated driving abovestandard speed limits.
Fangzhu Technology GMSL/FPDLink acquisition board and carrier board
The R&D team of Fangzhu Technology hasspecialized in edge computing and SerDes for many years. Based on Nvidia/RK3588and other platforms, the GMSL/FPDLink acquisition board and carrier boarddesigned and developed are precisely adapted to 99% GMSL1/2/3 cameras andFPDLink cameras on the market. From hardware research and development tosoftware driven debugging, 100% self research is a pioneer in this field.
Verified camera list
Brand | Sensor(YUV) | Note |
Sunny | OX08B40 |
Intel Realsense | D457 |
iRay | M6 |
Pilot640 |
Guide Infrared | Infrared IR |
Whetron | OSX019 |
Desay | OX01FC |
OSX019 |
Sensing | AR0147 |
AR0231 |
OX03C |
IMX390 |
ISX031 |
OX05B |
IMX490 |
AR0820 |
OX08BC |
Leopard Imaging | IMX490 |
IMX390 |
AR0233 |
AR0820 |
Joctech | OX08BC |
IMX390 |
OX01FC |
LJI (LiJing-tech) | IMX390 |
ISX031 |
OX08B40 |
Aili-Light | OSX019 |
OX03C |
ISX031 |
ISX021 |
OX08B40 |
Hirain | OV2311 |
GMSL/FPDLink Coaxial harness:
Coaxial harness | Lenghth(m) | Waterproof | Interface |
Yes | 2 | Yes | GMSL or FPDLink |
Yes | 3 | Yes | GMSL or FPDLink |
Yes | 5 | Yes | GMSL or FPDLink |
Yes | 7 | Yes | GMSL or FPDLink |
Yes | 8 | Yes | GMSL or FPDLink |
Yes | 10 | Yes | GMSL or FPDLink |
Yes | 12 | Yes | GMSL or FPDLink |
Yes | 16 | Yes | GMSL or FPDLink |
Yes | 0.5 | Yes | Mini Fakra Four in one |
Mass customization | 1-16 | Yes | GMSL or FPDLink |